Creating JavaScript development environment(the starter kit)


In this blog post i am going to work you through step by step on how to create the js starter kit.

First of all why do we need a starter kit?

i.To codify decisions, Best practices

ii.Encourages consistency

iii.Avoid forgetting important details.

iv. Increase quality

v.Avoid repeating work

  1. Choosing the code editor.

In this blog post i will be using webstorm code editor but you can use visual studio code, atom or any other nice code editor out there.

2.Installng package manager.

For package management i will be using NPM package manager, but you can use Bowa or Jspm .

To get NPM you need to install nodejs in your system for npm comes with nodejs

i)Install nodejs form per your operating system.

ii)Install package.json from

iii)npm install on the terminal



Justine Peterson Mahinyila
Justine Peterson Mahinyila

Written by Justine Peterson Mahinyila

My mission is to improve people’s lives and solve problems using technology in Africa

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