Creating JavaScript development environment(the starter kit)
In this blog post i am going to work you through step by step on how to create the js starter kit.
First of all why do we need a starter kit?
i.To codify decisions, Best practices
ii.Encourages consistency
iii.Avoid forgetting important details.
iv. Increase quality
v.Avoid repeating work
- Choosing the code editor.
In this blog post i will be using webstorm code editor but you can use visual studio code, atom or any other nice code editor out there.
2.Installng package manager.
For package management i will be using NPM package manager, but you can use Bowa or Jspm .
To get NPM you need to install nodejs in your system for npm comes with nodejs
i)Install nodejs form per your operating system.
ii)Install package.json from
iii)npm install on the terminal